Wardrobe Detox

This is an in-person service that will breathe new life into your wardrobe, leaving it organised, clutter free & full of items you love to wear.

This is more than just a detox.

This service will help you rediscover your style and create a calm, confident closet.

A wardrobe detox can be an overwhelming task. Having in-person support from an expert makes it an enjoyable, organised and stress-free process.

At a glance.

4 hour in-home service, bespoke to you.

  • Dedicated assistance decluttering, categorising and re-organising your wardrobe.

  • Advice on styles to suit your body-shape

  • Advice on how to continue streamlining your wardrobe, including handy storage solutions

  • A summary of key pieces to add to your collection

  • £320 for upto 4 hours

  • Additional hours charged at £70 per hour

  • Travel costs applicable outside Essex

Having a streamlined wardrobe, with complimentary garments, will allow you to create multiple outfits whilst buying less. You will be able to choose new items with ease, & wear each item in your wardrobe more. In the session, we first talk about style identity and help you understand what you want and need from your wardrobe. During the detox process, we will create three categories:

  1. Clothes you feel great in and wear frequently.

  2. Clothes that you want to either resell or give to charity; and

  3. Your ‘undecided’ items.

Any items you are unsure of will be reviewed & I will suggest new ways to introduce select pieces back into your working wardrobe. You will receive advice on the styles & shapes that compliment your bodyshape & accentuate your best features, which will help you make those all important decisions on what to keep and what to give away.

The result ? A calm wardrobe and renewed confidence in your style.

Pricing & Aftercare


The length of time a detox takes depends on the size of your wardrobe and number of items to be discussed. The starting price is £320 for upto 4 hours, with additional hours charged at £70 per hour. Please feel free to send me a photograph of the size of your wardrobe for a more detailed quote.


Following the Wardrobe Edit, I will teach you how best to store, sort and display the items you’re keeping to create a functional and organised space that is easy to maintain.

The use of solutions such as non-slip, slim line hangers is highly recommended to save space, protect your garments & create a calm, stylist space. I can discuss options around purchasing these with you prior to the detox.

Finally, at the end of each appointment, we will discuss key pieces you may wish to add to your wardrobe that will help build additional outfits to compliment your existing collection.

Book a Wardrobe Detox